Category Archives: Blog

artists religion and free speech

Artists Religion and Free Speech

Artists, Religion and Free Speech Right now artists, religion and free speech are under attack here in the United States. The supreme court is deciding this issue right now. Hopefully, the Supreme court will once again designate art as part of free speech, and therefore covered by our first amendment. Why Should We Care? We […]

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why we praise great art

Why We Praise Great Art

Why We Praise Great Art How many times in your life have you finished listening to a work of art so moving that you could not help but stand, applaud, and vocally express your gratitude for having experienced something so moving? It could be anything from a symphony performance or a U2 concert, to a […]

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optimizing your creative ideas

Optimizing Your Creative Ideas

Optimizing Your Creative Ideas Optimizing your creative ideas requires more than a great café to write in, a studio with great lighting, or finding a great writer’s group. Optimizing your creativity has more to do with the way your brain handles ideas, and giving your brain the time it needs to process. How can we […]

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