Arts & Entertainment Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Make a difference today. Your support equips professional creatives to be salt and light in the mainstream art world and entertainment industry. It is through the generous gifts of individuals, churches, foundations, and organizations like you who believe in AEM that we are able to make a lasting impact. Thank you.
To mail a check, make it payable to AEM and mail to:
Arts & Entertainment Ministries
2361 Glendon Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90064
All Contributions are considered tax-deductible donations. AEM is recognized as a tax-exempt organization by the IRS and by the California Franchise Tax Board.
There are many ways to support the work of AEM:
Donate Online: The Donate Button above is a secure way through Paypal to process donations online. It’s quick & convenient! AEM accepts American Express, Visa, & MasterCard credit cards.
Donate via Mail: You can mail AEM a check or cash to AEM, use the above address to mail the donation. Your gift can be a one-time gift, recurring monthly gift or quarterly donation.
You can Gift Stock: AEM is equipped to handle these gifts through our Non-Profit account with Schwab. If you would like to gift stock to AEM contact our office: 310-474-7671.
Gift a Car, Boat, Trailer, etc: Yes it’s true, you can donate a vehicle! What do we do with it? Well, actually there is a service for nonprofits that sells the vehicle and gives AEM the money from the sale. And it doesn’t matter what condition the vehicle is in.
Put AEM in Your Will: Take advantage of estate planning in order to invest in the work of AEM. You may want to designate a portion of your estate to be donated. There are many options to protect your assets and bless the work of AEM at the same time.
Charitable Remainder Trusts: This tax-exempt irrevocable trust is designed to reduce the taxable income of individuals by first dispersing income to the beneficiaries of the trust for a specified period of time and then donating the remainder of the trust to AEM. The whole idea of a charitable remainder trust is to reduce taxes. This is done by first donating assets into the trust and then having it pay the beneficiary for a stated period of time. Once this time frame expires, the remainder of the estate is transferred to AEM as the beneficiary.
Company Matching Grants: It can be easy to double, triple, or even quadruple the value of your donation to AEM with a matching gift! This is a benefit that hundreds of employers offer to encourage their employees to support nonprofits. So be sure to ask your Human Resources department if your charitable donations will be matched by your company. If they match gifts, call us and we can give your company all the proper paperwork to process the matching gift.
GoodSearch: By making GoodSearch your computer’s Homepage, you’ll use the Yahoo! powered search engine. GoodSearch will ensure that every time you search the web about a penny goes to AEM! Just choose Arts & Entertainment Ministries as your cause. You can also use GoodShop and GoodDining to benefit AEM as well.
Ralph’s & Food 4Less: Grocery Shop to support AEM! Ralph’s and Food4Less will donate a portion of your purchases to AEM, as part of their “Community Contributions” program. It’s easy! And it’s free! All you do is register your rewards card on the Ralph’s or Food4Less website. Once you have signed in or created an account, go to Find Your Organization and search for: Arts & Entertainment Ministries or enter our number: 90843, under Select Your Organization, you must click on the tiny circle to select us. Click the save changes button to save Arts & Entertainment Ministries as your selection.