Will Artists Create Art in Heaven

Will Artists Create Art in Heaven?

Will Artists create art in heaven? There is no passage in scripture that says our creativity will cease in heaven, or that our desire to communicate in creative ways will decrease. If anything, all the allusions to life with Christ point to a body and soul that are glorified.

And if creativity has always been a part of the Imago Dei in us, then we should expect our artistic talents and creative imagination to increase dramatically also.



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Copyright © 2023 Joel & Michelle Pelsue. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

4 comments on “Will Artists Create Art in Heaven”

  1. Leonardo Ramirez Reply

    How awesome will it be to write and produce and move in the New Jerusalem. The best FX, the best music, the best production with no expense spared. I’m so in!

  2. Wendy Widell Wolff Reply

    Thank you Pastor Joel!
    I am excited to get to Heaven to make art! Your comment that some artists are called to create a desire in others for the the beauty of Heaven. I identify with this! While other artists make art to seek Justice or pursue healing and more….. and without doubt at times these motivations overlap. We are complex human beings. Isn’t it wonderful that God has given us the privilege as artists to be our unique selves? Freedom in Christ is so true in artist pursuits. PRAISE HIM!

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      I totally agree. Art schools often lose sight of the passion some artists have to make beautiful things…which is a way to love our neighbor, to be therapeutic or to be inspirational. They often dismiss it as kitsch, but this is an assault on the very nature of reality and the character of God.

      They dismiss pursuing beauty or wanting to create things that are beautiful, as if it is naive. But maybe what they are truly objecting to is an objective standard of beauty. Why? because it points to a beautiful, majestic and holy God. If we are unwilling to worship Him, we run from true beauty because it is convicting. So we dismiss beauty and seek art with brokenness and tension…focusing on our own struggles while we avoid looking at anything beautiful.Then they get a sort of tunnel vision…and they dismiss artists who don’t pursue what they pursue.

      Do you see this as well?

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