Why Churches Lose Artists

Why Churches Lose Artists

What are churches missing when artists don’t feel at home?

What should we teach and preach in order to inspire artists, and help creative people to see how the gospel and the entire narrative of Scripture speaks to their talents and their creativity?

Here, I’m giving you 2 New Testament verses, and 2 Old Testament passages that can help you as a pastor or church leader to begin to inspire the young artists in your midst as well as to encourage the accomplished, veteran creatives in your community.


Is this a video you wish your pastor watched? Are there more things you’d like pastors to know about artists? let us know in the comments below!

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Copyright © 2024 Joel & Michelle Pelsue. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.


7 comments on “Why Churches Lose Artists”

  1. Wendy Widell Wolff Reply

    Hi Joel!
    I enjoyed this so much! I will send this to a couple wonderful pastors who I know have a love and sensitivity to the arts.
    Thank you. You are a Pastor to so many artists who love and appreciate you and Michelle so much!
    ~Wendy WW

    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      Thank you so kindly, Wendy!

      I was just with a bunch of pastors in L.A. yesterday. Quite a few had a background in the arts, but had never been exposed to these passages and the implication. Thank you so much for getting the word out and sharing this with other pastors!

  2. Rev. J. Reply

    Thank you for this great word, Joel! As an educator for adults, a minister/teacher in my church, and an artist myself, I really appreciate the encouragement to teach on as well as talk more about art among believers. We live in an artistic community and have many creatives in our church. We even display their work on the walls. We have held pottery classes in our building. And we have hosted Christian art/music festivals both in our church building as well as in the summer at a local park. You are inspiring me to do a teaching in church on the topic of art and its influence. I’m certain our artists will be encouraged. Thanks for the idea, and God bless you and your artistic ministry! 😀

    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      Rev. J,

      You made my day! It is always so great to hear of ministers in churches who encourage artists and want to teach and preach on these topics. Let me know any way we can be of help.


    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      Rev. J.,

      Thank you so much for this. We need clergy leading the way! It is always wonderful to hear of churches that encourage and make room for artists in their local body!

      Where are you? Here in the States, or somewhere else?

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      Amen and Amen. So many denominations are intimidated by the Old Testament, and never learn how to exegete and preach the OT. They are missing out, and failing to preach “the whole counsel of God.”

      and as I see in your links – we’ve taught for years on Ezekiel not only as performance art, but also “shock art” or transgressive art.

      Blessings on you and your family Alan!

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