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How Marxism Destroys Art

How Marxism Destroys Art

Artists who embrace Marxism will eventually see that this approach to society eliminates patrons, angel investors, art markets, and even creativity. Too many artists become enamored with Marxism because they do not understand the real world, long-term implications of Karl Marx’s philosophy. Take 10 minutes and you will see why NO ARTIST should ever embrace Marxism.

Copyright © 2021 Joel & Michelle Pelsue. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

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24 comments on “How Marxism Destroys Art”

  1. Leonardo Ramirez Reply

    Fully agree. And it’s sad that some of the biggest proponents of Marxism come out of the entertainment industry. I’m all for changing that. Since freedom is synonymous with creativity, this should not be. He is the God of freedom and free-flowing expression.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      Well put Lenny, Marxism sounds appealing upfront, but never delivers. The place to find true freedom for your soul and in your art is in a relationship with the one, true God.

  2. Wendy Widell Wolff Reply

    Thank you Joel and Michelle,
    I know this topic will bring up lively discussion. My observation has been that artists get pulled into Marxism and it’s various iterations because it it is compelling. We were created by God for justice and high standards. It is in our souls to care passionately about curing the ills of this world. This subject matter has more and more become subtext in the thinking and work of many artists today. Wonderful, smart, amazing good people get pulled into this off brand of goodness. One only needs to take a very close look at the root philosophy and spiritual condition of Karl Marx to see his intentions were not pure. His worldview is a perversion of righteousness. It clashes against natural law on many levels: Economic. Spiritual, the Family, and our innate desire for Freedom. Marxism’s middle name is Manipulation. And This name has been affecting we as Americans like never in our history before. We want to be part of the group that is going to heal this nation. This is good. However, we need to be alert to iterations that will take us down a misguided path. The consequences will lead only to heartache and the obliteration of Americas best qualities.
    Artists! Please don’t get swept away into being used as propaganda for the Manipulation toward the forming of a government that is doomed to fail.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      So graciously stated Wendy. You are so right that many people are attracted to Marxism for the promises it makes of justice. People don’t realize what the cost will be of following Marx’s plan. They also don’t realize how the harboring of bitterness and hatred toward others brings darkness and depression into their own life. His own life shows the tragic impact of his philosophy. It is ironic that art schools speak fondly of marxism, when following marxism would destroy their entire discipline.

  3. John Daniels Reply

    Well, let me be the first to respectfully disagree. Not necessarily with whatever criticisms of Marxist ideology are justly deserved, more with what appeared to me to be either active or passive cheerleading for the excesses of modern capitalism, presumably the polar opposite ‘ideology’. Yes, no one forces the latest Mac product on anyone, but your reference to Steve Jobs, Gates, Bezos etc. almost underlines the point that today’s inequality (and I’m assuming you’re linking all your points of warning to artists in current American society) vastly, vastly outstrips the disparities in wealth, resources etc from even 50 years ago. Let’s remember that the very word ‘capitalism’ has at it’s core deference to money, or capital, first. That’s what is rewarded first, the capital or the monetary investment. Nothing intrinsically morally wrong or right about that, its just a fact.

    However, I would hope no ‘Christian’ artist, worker, entrepreneur or whatever should ever be encouraged to act from any purely ‘ideological’ foundation anyway, or even against one. Marxism, Socialism, Capitalism … labels which cover vast amounts of moving parts, have almost lost any real meaning in today’s world. Loving God and loving others is everything by comparison.

    I was rather surprised not to hear any reference to Scripture in your piece … or maybe I missed it? Rather unlike most of your other blog pieces. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll agree that God is neither a ‘far left’ or a ‘far right’ supporter. He is not against wealth, but there is ample Scriptural evidence that he is not in favour of the excesses of either wealth … or of poverty. You don’t need to be a fan of the Acts 2 “having all things in common” reference to see that, its plainly there in Deuteronomy 15, among many others.

    Nevertheless, a lot of food for thought! Thank you.


    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      Thank you for your comment. I will try to respond to your points.

      A few thoughts:
      First, I wasn’t promoting inequality, and I wondered if someone might jump on that point. I think my point was clear – the most wealthy people of our time did not oppress anyone in order to accumulate wealth. This truth alone shows how faulty Marx’s claim that all the wealthy are evil and gained their money via oppression, fraud, etc. Wealthy people are not inherently evil. No amount of money determines your character or spiritual health.
      Capitalism is not perfect, and I stated that in the video….but didn’t want to take another 5-10 minutes delving deeper in that area since it wasn’t the primary topic.

      You wrote:
      “However, I would hope no ‘Christian’ artist, worker, entrepreneur or whatever should ever be encouraged to act from any purely ‘ideological’ foundation anyway, or even against one. Marxism, Socialism, Capitalism …”

      I agree, the only foundation we should operate from is a biblical one. And, based on even the biblical principle to love your enemies, and the Commandment not to steal (which assumes private property), Marxism is completely inconsistent with Christianity. He himself hated the Jewish Religion and the Christian Religion and created a political philosophy that demands that its advocates create division and foment hatred of their so-called enemies(the wealthy). Marxism requires hatred, whereas Christianity requires love. quite simple. I guess that could have been a 30-second video.

      Good point about not using Scripture. I usually do and should have. I probably should have included the greatest commandments to love God and your neighbor in the New Testament, and the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament, which assumed and established an economy of private property. Marx and Marxists cannot abide by either set of commandments – to love your neighbors or to respect their property.

      To be clear, I am not promoting a political party, I am just showing how a particular philosophy, which is en vogue, and has been taught at the top art schools for decades, is actually undermining the very career they love. No one who values their own craftsmanship and creativity should ever think Marx would agree with them. Like people who I meet who quote Nietzche, they often have no idea what he really believed…they just take a profound quote out of context and they like sounding profound as they quote it. (and yes, there are equally irritating people do the same with Scripture, naturally).

      Thank you for the comments and the discussion!

  4. David Lugo Reply


    Do you remember that scene in “When Harry Met Sally” where Meg Ryan’s character starts to get really excited and starts moaning in the restaurant (to play a joke on Billy Crystal’s character)? That’s how excited I am about this video. YES! YES!! YES!!! Someone finally tells it like it is. Marxism (Cultural Marxism – that Wikipedia says a conspiracy theory) is rotting and ruining everything. I am so excited that you made this video that I posted it on my FB page. Hopefully those Big Tech fascist won’t censor me.


    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      Thank you David,

      I have resisted some of these topics, but they aren’t going away.
      Too many people get sucked into the ideas without understanding the real consequences of those ideas. THANK YOU for your comment!!

  5. Cathy Paschane Reply

    There seem to be many people succumbing to stray philosophies. I remember in the 60’s trying to find “truth” and “peace” and looking at various beliefs. They all seemed so faulty and lacking. I understand how one can be mislead into believing false “gods”. Eventually, a friend took me to an Evangelistic church. There I found the “truth” and “peace” in Jesus my Savior. I pray the others involved with Marxism and the like, that they will find the door and open their hearts to Jesus.

  6. Wendy Widell Wolff Reply

    I went through something similar. I so wanted to be part of being culturally current in the 1980’s. But there was this sense in me that something was not quite true about the Progressive movement at that time. History has proved to me that my instincts were correct. Since then I have discovered thinkers much smarter than me. Thomas Sowell for one. This wise man started out as a Marxist and he came to see through Progressivism’s contradictions. Somebody who is easily accessible on current cable T.V. and radio as well as literature is Mark Levin. His most recent book is “American Marxism”.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      Indeed, Thomas Sowell is wonderful. Wish I had him in college. Marxism is made to sound lovely, but it never works out to be lovely for 99% of the people.

  7. Naomi Chambers Reply

    I find it strange that you think iphones are made without oppression. They may not oppress the person who uses the iphone but they’re certainly oppressing the people that make them by using forced labor.

    More on apple using forced Uighur labor in China. https://nypost.com/2020/03/02/uighur-forced-labor-reportedly-used-in-chinese-factories-making-us-tech/

    Also, would a company that’s not oppressing it’s workers need to hang suicide nets outside it’s factory?

    “In 2010, Longhua assembly-line workers began killing themselves. Worker after worker threw themselves off the towering dorm buildings, sometimes in broad daylight, in tragic displays of desperation – and in protest at the work conditions inside. There were 18 reported suicide attempts that year alone and 14 confirmed deaths. Twenty more workers were talked down by Foxconn officials. The epidemic caused a media sensation – suicides and sweatshop conditions in the House of iPhone. Suicide notes and survivors told of immense stress, long workdays and harsh managers who were prone to humiliate workers for mistakes, of unfair fines and unkept promises of benefits. The corporate response spurred further unease: Foxconn CEO, Terry Gou, had large nets installed outside many of the buildings to catch falling bodies. The company hired counsellors and workers were made to sign pledges stating they would not attempt to kill themselves.” From: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jun/18/foxconn-life-death-forbidden-city-longhua-suicide-apple-iphone-brian-merchant-one-device-extract

    As Christians we should be mindful of the entire process that goes into the products we consume. The idea that the rich are all beneficent patrons of society and the arts seems pretty far off and antithetical to the Bible’s teachings IMHO.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      Thank you for taking the time to respond/comment on my video.
      You are correct!
      I concede it wasn’t the best example.

      While we who live in America are not oppressed by Apple, Google, etc.
      I must agree that the labor practices overseas are horrible.
      Human rights are something we should all agree upon, and the U.S. needs to put more pressure on China and other countries that allow such atrocities.
      We should also put pressure on American companies who turn a blind eye to such practices.
      Thank you for catching that, posting helpful links, and bringing to light something almost no news channel seems to cover!!!
      It is interesting to note That America itself has child labor laws and unions that prohibit such practices. Our Economic system does not promote such a climate.
      China is a Communist country, built on Marxist ideas that were brought over during the early 1900’s.
      So, in one sense we can agree Apple is not the best example, but it also points out the horrible treatment of humanity that occurs on a Marxist/Communist philosophy that continues to persecute Muslims, Christians, etc….and allow for these horrid factory conditions.

      I admit you got me thinking a little more about this, which is wonderful.
      I guess a better example might be Oprah.
      She is worth 3.5 Billion. But I don’t know of anyone who was oppressed by her in order for her to accumulate her wealth.
      This would better prove my original point that some people achieve wealth without mistreatment of others, or abusing their consumers/audiences.

  8. Rebecca Webb Reply

    I needed to do some research about Marxism before commenting. “Karl Marx actually said very little about the arts.
    ‘The object of art, like any other product, creates an artistic and beauty-enjoying public. Production thus produces not only an object for the individual, but also an individual for the object.'” -A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy.

    “Central to the Marxist conception is that art has a social function. It can confirm or unsettle the preconceptions upon which the structure of social and economic power rests.” -The Marxist Theory of Art, Oxford Academic Journals. http://academic.oup.com>article-pdf

    I really don’t care that Marx was an atheist; atheist aren’t evil.

    Short story: my husband and I were leaders of a church youth group. A young man visited our group at his girlfriend’s suggestion. He had been sexually abused in a different denomination and understandably, deemed himself an atheist. We welcomed his feedback and questions. For a year and a half we got to know him while working to surgically separate his sexual abuse with his view of God to have let that happen to him. He began to pray again and felt God’s love for him again. He eventually felt safe enough to come to a service. However, a very unthinking, ungraceful minister in his sermon called all atheists idiots! Because of his lack of humility, all of our work with this intelligent, kind, young man was undone, and he never set foot in any church again. I say this as a warning to you to be aware of your audience. They aren’t all white, Christian, married, or heterosexual. I’m all of those things and your anger and sarcasm in your video is worrying. Even those not on your list are still made in the image of God and He still loves them.

    You mention greed, fraud, and manipulation in Marxism, but we only need to look at today’s idea of Capitalism to see the same. You conveniently glossed over that. Our Former President Trump was well versed in greed, fraud, and manipulation. He stiffed honest individuals and companies for work done. Amazon exploits their workers to the point that delivery drivers can’t stop long enough to go to the restroom. Temporary workers are overworked and have no union to protect them. My husband has had to work 6-7 days a week with no pension anymore. Today’s Capitalism is controlling wages, aggressively opposing unions, and stopping pensions which helps enrich the CEO’s and upper management. The 1% that get ludicrously rich at these companies, manage to pay little if any taxes due to manipulation, fraud, and greed. It’s not about the iPhone being a convenient, though it is a potentially dangerous item we all use, it’s about the care taken of the workers who make these items. Can they support their families? Do they have adequate healthcare? Are their wages keeping up with inflation? Sadly, the answer is usually no.

    I think you need to look up the actual meaning of critical race theory. Critical race theory is about correcting false histories, not about your concern that being white, Christian, heterosexual, or married is going to become a minority. This is political fear-mongering in the name of Jesus! Your quote, “The only thing that matters is the color of their skin and the level of their perceived privilege.” That is exactly what you are doing here. We are all equal before God. As a white person, I don’t have a problem with being in the minority. I care much more about my relationship with Christ, and how I learn to mimic Christ in my daily life.

    I’ve been a member in several churches that didn’t appreciate the artist’s in their congregation. Either they wanted something for nothing, even though there were plenty of rich parishioners who could fund artwork, or the pastor just didn’t care about art at all, even though there were about 15 of us wanting to collaborate on a mural together . . . for free. The churches simply didn’t value any artist’s work. Fortunately, there was a later time when one priest did ask to purchase my work and for more than I asked. It made me cry out of gratitude and shock. This same work years before was only allowed to be in the coffee area where children could run around it and damage it. The church who bought it displayed it in the sanctuary and honored the work. That work inspired three excellent sermons. It was about the Sower and the Seed. There were a couple of other area churches that were starting Calls for Art and a couple of shows a year which also honored artists and their work, but very few did that at the time.

    By parroting a political party’s stand on Marxism, including misinformation and disinformation, while claiming not to endorse that party is, in fact, an endorsement of that party; an endorsement by a minister of the Gospel in the Name of Christ. This is not only unwise, but will hamstring evangelism of those who disagree with your assumptions on politics and economics. There is no need to attempt to whip artists into an angry fervor about Marxism and the arts, just so you can sell some courses to us. No, thanks.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      Thank you for your comment.
      My apologies for the delay.

      You are correct, Marx did not write about art very much.
      He started to write on aesthetics twice, but was unable to finish – see Hazard Adams book on Critical Theory Since Plato (1992)
      It is agreed that Marx basically borrowed his aesthetics from Hegel.
      As Chris Rasmussen points out “For Marx and his most consistent followers, most of the so-called art produced under capitalism did not harmonize the faculties but instead anesthetized the people to their own suffering(similar to Marx’s view of religion anesthetizing people). Real artists, therefore, should not strive for a false beauty, but work diligently to dis-harmonize the faculties and awaken the people to their acute pain.” Only after the revolution could artists ever return to celebrating beauty.
      One of the more thorough books on this is Marx’s Lost Aesthetic, by Margaret Rose.

      You wrote: “I really don’t care that Marx was an atheist; atheists aren’t evil.”

      Of course, Atheists are not inherently evil. I did not imply otherwise. You seem to be taking offense for something I did not say.
      Everyone is made in the image of God, which you say, and which I embrace fully.
      I don’t mock anyone. If you watch my videos, you will see this to be true.
      My audience is primarily Christian. Thus, I wanted to highlight that Marx’s starting point is opposite of ours, and to highlight that Marx despised Jesus and Christianity.

      Please remember my audience.
      Your story is heartbreaking and tragic.
      I have atheist friends and agnostic friends. I don’t ever call them idiots and I don’t use that word in the video.
      My audience is Christians who are creatives and this video targeted those who are Christians, yet enamored with Marx because they don’t realize they are incompatible.

      I didn’t ‘gloss over Trump.’
      I don’t address political figures or parties. EVER.

      Next, I agree as you can see in another reply, maybe Apple and Amazon were not good choices.
      What about Oprah?
      She is worth $3.5 billion, but did not, to my knowledge oppress anyone.
      This demonstrates that being wealthy does not make you inherently evil as Marx would require us to believe.

      It seems like you are obsessed with the side notes on the video
      and not my core argument about Patrons, Propaganda, or devaluing art as a market.

      I am not unaware or uneducated about Critical Race Theory.
      It is based on Marxism. This is common knowledge.

      I care deeply about racial reconciliation, repentance, and forgiveness. I do not condone demonizing any race or people group in the process.
      Christ does not allow for hating others. Marx, on the other hand actually requires us to hate the wealthy.

      Here is a brief line of thought on Critical Race Theory.
      Let me detail the different streams, as I see them, that come together to create what we call Critical Theory.
      First is Karl Marx and Conflict Theory. This is the belief that society is a group of different social classes all competing for a limited pool of resources. At its heart, Conflict Theory is an economic theory, and all society can be reduced to oppressors (Bourgeois) and oppressed (Proletariat). (This is a truly Zero-Sum philosophy.) According to Conflict Theory, the only way that the oppressed can overcome their oppressors is through violent revolution. Violence is built into the cake of conflict theory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict_theories
      Enter Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci and his theory of Hegemony. Hegemony takes Marx’s oppressor/oppressed dichotomy out of the realm of economics and class struggle and recasts it along cultural lines. Gramsci can be called the father of what has come to known as Cultural Marxism. Through Gramsci the oppressor is no longer the wealthy middle-class (Bourgeois), but the Hegemony. The Hegemony is white, male, straight, cis-gendered and Christian. Gramsci, like Marx, believed that Christianity is inherently oppressive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Gramsci
      The Frankfurt School (thanks Joel for adding that to the conversation) built on the ideas of both Marx and Gramsci and developed what we know today as Critical Theory. The Frankfurt School agreed with Gramsci that Marx’s mistake was that his theory was an economic and not a cultural theory. They sought to prepare the ground for a Marxist revolution by influencing culture through the “robes.” The robes can be defined as the law, academia, the social sciences, and the distortion of traditional religion. Again, violence is built into the cake of all Marxism revolutions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School
      Derrick Bell, Harvard law professor, picks up on all the above and becomes the faither of Critical Race Theory. This is the idea that trying to influence culture and transforming hearts (a deeply Christian view) is futile and instead of influence and transformation we should legislate morality. As in all forms of Marxism, if legislation will not get us to utopia, then violence is legitimized.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derrick_Bell
      Now it is time to introduce the popularizers (who I have read and continue to read): Robin DeAngelo, Kimberly Crenshaw, Ibram X. Kindi just to name a few. In the Progressive Christian world, you have Jemar Tisby, who without question, baptizes Critical Theory to create a Progressive Christianity every bit as concerning and problematic as the American Religious Right.
      Critical Theory is at best, a problematic worldview and at worst, a false secular religion. Anything that is useful about Critical Theory is mainly cosmetic and can already be found in Classical Western Liberalism.
      Critical Theory pulls on the Postmodern ideas of deconstruction and not on the Enlightenment idea of reformation. At its heart, Critical Theory in all its manifestations is postmodernism made actionable and at every step of its evolution, Critical Theory legitimizes violence and demonizes traditional Christianity.

      Critical Theory is a biblical heresy. It is the most problematic and dangerous philosophy of our time. That is not fear-mongering(thanks for the ad hominen attack instead of sticking to the argument); that is a philosophical fact. Marxism in all its forms has destroyed everything that it touches and it ushers in totalitarian governments. Look at The Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Laos, and Vietnam, to name a few. Marxism, in all its forms, including Critical Theory, is deeply and profoundly dangerous and anti-Christian. It is morally bankrupt and cannot get us to the equity that it promises.

      I appreciate the time you took to respond. Thank you for your patience.
      Sorry for the delay. It has been a crazy week, with many other pressing matters.

  9. Rebecca Reply

    I see; you only want to post comments that agree with you, or for which you had an easy rebuttal. That’s a shame, because I’m not even a Marxist. Work on fixing modern Capitalism which currently is the real problem for people who are overworked, underpaid, and without pensions, instead of trying to make artists believe that Marxism is a growing threat.

    Seriously, how would you treat an atheist in your church? I would hope with the love of Christ.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      You are asking me to be gracious while you attack me?
      Please be patient, and don’t demonize me simply because I didn’t respond in the time you preferred.

      I had serious issues to attend to and thought you deserved the time for me to sit down and thoughtfully respond.
      Such an amount of time was not available until now.

      Please refrain from assaults on a person’s character.
      It is unnecessary and unfruitful.

      • Rebecca Webb Reply

        I sincerely apologize for thinking you ignored my comment. I noticed you had replied to newer comments than mine. I understand you had a hard week.

        Before anyone goes on about Marxism, can we ask the important question about why some people are entertaining the concept in the first place as a viable option? I sincerely think it’s due to the problems with current unbalanced Capitalism. The fact that my husband has the same job in auto assembly for less money, and is no longer entitled to a pension, normally works 6-7 days a week, while the owners rake in the extra profits from stopping pensions, should show the problem. And it’s not only a problem in the auto industry. There is less interest in the worker’s security overall by corporations. I don’t think there are enough Oprah’s to fix the imbalance.

        • Joel Pelsue Reply


          Thank you for your reply.
          I agree people consider other options when they are frustrated with their current situation. This is completely normal- and wise to search out.
          But as I always tell my children, beware of the unintended consequences.

          It is helpful to remember, there is no perfect system.
          Some people start with the assumption that people are good, and therefore all can be fixed by a particular system (a Humanist approach).
          A Christian approach would start by acknowledging the sinfulness of the rich and poor, the leaders of the state, and the leaders of industry.

          The question becomes this: What system works the best? No system is perfect.
          I agree that Capitalism is not perfect. I am not arguing that it is perfect. That is a fool’s game.
          However, Marxist ideas, in the end, do not lead to human flourishing. This is another topic entirely than my original point, but I hope this helps.

          As to your husband’s job.
          That sounds really hard and challenging.
          I Don’t know where you live or what the dynamics are, and how it came to be that way.
          It is rarely a simple issue.
          In some cases, during the 80s, 90, and 2000s, I do know that the Unions negotiated for more benefits and greater pensions, and the manufacturers agreed,
          but the assumption was that the industry would grow, and more specifically that the particular company would grow.
          However, competition from overseas undercut many American Auto Makers, thus their profit margin shrunk,
          and they cannot afford the pensions and benefits they originally agreed to.
          They had to declare bankruptcy or simply go out of business.

          There are massive books written about this, and I am no expert in this one industry,
          but I know that dynamic is one of the major problems that led to the current state.

          I do agree that Jeff Bezos has enough money, he should pay people more, in order to care for his workers, not just his shareholders and himself.
          I also agree, as a Christian, that CEO’s should not take advantage of their employees, and should treat them not only with dignity but love them as their neighbor.
          Yet, as one CEO of a Fortune 100 company told me, when he went to Harvard decades ago they taught ethics. This is no longer the case.
          We have removed a key component of education for our entrepreneurs and “captains of industry.” The goal of wealth is unfettered.
          This is a tragedy for which our entire culture is paying.

          lastly, You make an odd point.
          “There are not enough Oprah’s to fix the imbalance.” That is not my point.
          Please follow my reasoning – my point was simply this – if I can give you 1 person who is wealthy without oppressing anyone, Marx’s view crumbles.
          He required all people to hate those who have the most money, to demonize them, and to overthrow them and strip them of their power.
          My point – Oprah is wealthy beyond what you and I can imagine. Yet, she doesn’t deserve the hatred that Marx would require us to have towards her.
          There are people who make money, treat their people well, and can honor God in the process.

          I’ll tell you a story – my dad has a business. He heard that one of the men working was mourning because his wife died that week, yet the man still came to work.
          My father, as the CEO walked down to this man (whom I know) and asked him why he came to work. The man said he needed the money.
          What was my father’s reaction, as a Christian businessman? He told him, Go home, grieve, be with family and friends, I don’t care what your vacation days or sick days are, I will pay you for these days. But get out of here and go be with the rest of your family. The man, with tears in his eyes, thanked my father and went home to grieve.

          That is the model of a Businessman I grew up observing. Not evil. Not greedy. Not deserving of the hatred of Marx.
          The Bible tells us to work hard, and that all hard work brings reward.
          Marx never built anything. He didn’t even work.
          But Marx lived off of his buddy’s inheritance (Engels) and almost never even took a bath – noted by his body sores, and the smell people complained about.

          Please realize, there are good men and women who actually do care for those working in their company.
          Oh, and my father took a salary of $1 for several years so that he could still pay everyone else and keep the company afloat.
          If you cannot see the love and sacrifice some of these leaders actually demonstrate, may I encourage you to start reading different websites, books, and news articles.
          maybe check out Jay Richards book, Money, Greed, and God: https://www.amazon.com/Money-Greed-God-Capitalism-Solution/dp/0061900575

          Marxism and Socialism SOUND wonderful. That is the appeal, but what are the unintended consequences?
          For Marx, it is a heart full of hatred, which is the opposite of the gospel.
          Christ calls us to love all – wealthy, poor, leaders, servants, women, men, lepers, and Pharisees.

          I hope this helps, and I hope your husband can find a job where he feels like he is more than a cog in a machine.
          That can wear on the soul, and it isn’t healthy.

  10. Wendy Widell Wolff Reply

    I hope Rebecca can come to the realization that her ability to speak openly and freely about her opinions is a gift that Marxism will ultimately rob her of. Marxists historically felt very threatened by those who disagreed with them. To the point that they killed people. Lots of people. Free Speech is being muzzled these days more and more. And this muzzling is not perpetuated by those who love freedom. (Although I am sure a reader could come up with a rare exception). Free speech is far more popular with folks who don’t see the travesty of Cancel Culture (for example) and other forms of intimidation to encourage people to remain silent about their passion and concern for freedom. Who might these people be who want us to remain silent? I challenge you to look deeper. Thank you for the opportunity to speak about my great love for freedom and my concern about the future of our country. May our art always come out of free hearts unafraid and fearless in Gods sight.

  11. Rebecca Webb Reply

    Thank you for your reply. I agree that we need to put ethics back into the coursework, for sure! Your Dad sounds like a great man and treated his employees with love and concern. Thanks for the book recommendation. My point about there aren’t enough Oprah’s was mostly a humorous way to say that we need so many more compassionate CEO’s.

    As for Wendy, I am not a Marxist in any way; but I understand the frustration of those who think Marxism is a viable option. I believe the majority would be fine with Capitalism if it was tweaked back to the way it once was, with more concern and care for the worker. I feel that the way to stem the desire of Marxism is to address the problems at issue within Capitalism.

  12. John Daniels Reply

    While I hesitate to re-enter the debate, Rebecca’s comments and stories ring pretty true to me. And it’s sad that the great example of your father’s story, Joel, would today probably only mirror that of the minority of American businesses and not the majority. Here are a few other things to bear in mind.

    Some brief historical facts. The ‘industrial revolution’ of the late 18th and the 19th centuries, the backdrop to Marxist writings, was kind of the bridge between feudalism and the modern world. It certainly didn’t instantly bring freedom from poverty and, for the large part, virtual slavery and rather unpalatable practices continued. It wasn’t until 1833 that the British Factory Act even started to regulate child labor.

    The 19th century reform and trade union movements in Britain contained many evangelical Christians. Indeed, Keir Hardie, the first leader of the Labour Party (which in the USA, we would count as socialist) was a lay preacher. And as historians have noted, the British labor movement owed more to Methodism than to Marx.

    I point these things out simply to underline that Socialism (as in your comment, Joel, that “Marxism and Socialism SOUND wonderful … etc ..”) should not be considered synonymous with Marxism. In practice, almost every Westernized country, including the U.S. has a “Mixed Economy” … a blend of ‘capitalism’ and ‘socialism’. Both have their place, and each has its strengths and weaknesses, and each provides what the other cannot. So many aspects of life have their roots in a ’socialist’ mind set … libraries, parks, roadways (not toll ones), credit unions, mutual societies etc. etc.

    If, for example, free market capitalism could perfectly provide for a country’s healthcare, then medical bills would not be by far the leading cause of bankruptcies in this country. As it is, the market conditions which would make the ‘free market’ the ideal provider for a country’s health and medical system don’t exist anywhere, in spite of the lies that those who write off ‘socialist’ medical systems such as Britain’s National Health Service will tell you. And, as a dual UK/US citizen who has spent half his life in the UK, and about half here in the US, I do know what I’m talking about. Yes, the NHS is by no means perfect, but its problems are the problems of success and not the problems of failure, which are daily on view here in the USA’s ‘money before health’ model. (https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2021/aug/mirror-mirror-2021-reflecting-poorly#rank).

    May I add to Joel’s recommended reading, a visit to https://www.jubilee-centre.org which has a vast archive of excellent and thoughtful articles on ‘Biblical thinking for public life’.

    Finally, like Rebecca, I am no Marxist, and I’ve gratefully bought and paid for many Apple computers over the years (I even hold a few of their shares!). Proverbs 30:8-9’s call for ’neither poverty nor riches’ is worth meditating over.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      Thank you for your thoughtful reply. It is great to hear about the lay methodist’s impact on unions.
      I agree we live in a mixed economy, and as my wife is half British, we also have plenty of stories of the British system being helpful but also resulting in painfully long lines before getting medical help.

      I would encourage you to consider that there are millions of small business owners who are more like my dad than you my have heard of. They just never get their name in the paper – because they didn’t pilfer money, fraud investors, or cheat on their wife. The business books I grew up on celebrated such an approach – like, How to Swim with the Sharks by Harvey Mackey.

      Indeed, my point about socialism and marxism sounding great is that most people have not really read Marx(or any philosopher). They are not the same thing – so I definitely agree. Too many people quote a few lines they have heard. Marx emphasizes the poor conditions of the poor …and all people with any decency are upset with such a situation(as they should be). However, there are many solutions besides marxism….. The Bible has had principles for caring for the poor (who will always be with us, as Jesus said.), without demonizing the wealthy or overthrowing an entire system. Christ requires love instead of hate. He loved the rich young ruler and the samaritan woman. He did not demonize the rich young ruler in any sense – he actually had compassion upon him.

      Lastly, yes – Proverbs 30 is a wonderful reminder.
      and I am glad to see we have more in common – we both share an affection for our Apple Products.

      Again, thank you for your thoughtful comments!

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