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Grasping Your Calling in Uncertain Times

Grasping Your Calling in Uncertain Times

Grasping your calling in uncertain times can be daunting, but remind yourself it is the pivotal moment before embarking on a spectacular journey. We were all told life would throw us curves. As the Paul Simon song says of hard times, “Momma said there’d be days like these.” And yet, some challenges leave us out of breath, returning to familiar questions. We ask ourselves how we will move forward, what is most important, and how do we decide which steps to take right now.

Recently, thanks to the quarantine, our family watched all 6 Tolkien movies in order. Over the last several nights we settled in with our kids to embark on the three Hobbit movies followed by three Lord of The Rings movies. The movies are still impressive. The special effects hold up, the fellowship is moving, and the temptations palpable. Thank God for creative minds like Tolkien. It was a blessing to enjoy the stories together, and an elegant reminder we are all in the middle of an epic journey. Like hobbits, some of us are content in the shire as the troubles hit. Others are itching for an adventure. Some of us are resisting the greatness that has yet to be called forth in us by God, in His timing.

Beyond your Passions

We all long to live with passion and purpose. The challenge lies in the discerning of how God made us and then understanding our calling. That doesn’t simply mean your artistic calling. Your calling should envelope all of your relationships, passions, and gifts.

But before getting too focused on the details, you have to start with the right questions: Who is calling you, and What does He call people to?

In a society obsessed with self-actualization we can lose sight of the fact all the answers are not ‘within us’. Though there is much to be learned from personality tests, strengths finding, and the like, we can be grasping at straws if we don’t recognize God is the one calling you. This is important because God is interested in more than your next gallery showing, film screening or book signing. He is interested in your heart, your relationships, your mind and your soul.

Beyond your Past or your Present

As artists and creative professionals, we can get so focused on the results of our finished artworks, we miss the beauty and power of the journey. Instead of grasping our calling in uncertain times, we run to the old tricks, habits, and mechanisms that worked in the past. But God never calls us to live in the past, to live in fear, nor to move forward in our own strength. Like the characters in the Lord of The Rings, we must keep moving forward. The road may not be clear at all times, but life is not found in repeating the old patterns or shrinking back in fear.

Beyond your Own Strength

One of the key aspects of Lord of the Rings we see over and over is no one can go it alone. Even the powerful wizard Gandalf had to reach out to other wizards in challenging times. It should be no surprise you may need a brother or sister to bolster your spirit. You may need an online support chat right now with someone you love and trust. We all need mentors, colleagues and friends who will encourage and challenge us. It is also essential to remember – God is right here, right now. He is invested in you and cares deeply about you. It is not the time for spiritual amnesia, relying on your own strength. It is not the time to rely on the wisdom of man, though wisdom is always necessary. It is time to rely on the one who made you, and the one who has called you. God uses challenging times to get the attention of his people. No matter the source of our current challenges, He wants us to return to him and not to grow lazy in our spiritual calling.

Beyond Your Current Career

So how do you rediscover the core of your calling? Right now, you have an opportunity to solidify one of the most important fundamentals of your journey as an artist of faith. Your calling! But too many people have reduced calling to a job, a career, or a passion you possess. None of these can carry the weight we are trying to place on them. Your calling must be understood systemically and holistically if it is going to serve you well. Some aspects will change while others remain fixed. You need wisdom to discern which is which.

Your calling must stand the test of time, and you must be able to adapt to each new segment of the journey to which God is calling you. Grasping your calling in uncertain times is a test of how well you know your talents, your gifts, and the principles that allow you to pivot, shift, and realign your priorities.

Very soon, we launch our calling course once again, and if you are looking for more clarity in this area, I invite you to join us. Each year people are encouraged by the principles in our calling course that give them clarity, and free them from the confusion that abounds in so many Christian circles when it comes to calling.

We have taught these principles to creatives for decades. We have taken the time to make these principles clear for artists of faith in every genre, and professional creatives working in every industry. If you want to find out more about our Artists’ Calling Course, click HERE. Don’t delay, and don’t hesitate. The time is now.

To sign up for more information on our Artist’s Calling Online Course Click HERE.

More articles on Calling Here.
Copyright © 2020 Joel & Michelle Pelsue. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

2 comments on “Grasping Your Calling in Uncertain Times”

  1. Wendy Widell Wolff Reply

    Thank you Joel. You always bring it home! We need hear these truths especially now. It’s not all about the next big anything as you have stated. It’s about the character God is building in us through this time at home. I am grateful that my two sons have landed here. And it looks like we may all be together for the next month. I wish I could get them to sit down and watch movies with me. But I ma grateful for just what he has given us together. You and Michelle are such great parents. Bravo! Keep it up!

    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      Thank you, Wendy!

      Glad your family is safe and you have some quality time with your sons, especially since they are older. You could try taking turns picking movies to share . . . you never know.

      God Bless,


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