Artist Forum Replay Page 2024

Here’s you replay from the latest Artist Forum. Be sure to watch it right away, the replays will only be posted until the newest one is available!

So take take notes, leave comments for us to interact with you and enjoy!



Let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!

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Copyright © 2024 Joel & Michelle Pelsue. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

2 comments on “Artist Forum Replay Page 2024”

  1. David Woodard Reply

    Thank you for the broadcast. In my notes I recorded all 55 mindset problems, and several applied to me. You have convicted me that my largest problem is “calloused Christianity. I would say that my decades-long allegiance to Christ has left me with a thick callous that resists basic truths.

    The longer I listened to Michelle, the greater the conviction became that my problem was over-familiarity with the solution. I thought I knew all that, but I realized that my familiarity had become a barrier to the solution.

    I am going away to the beach here in SC to repent and restart with a new heart.

    David Woodard

    • Michelle Pelsue Reply


      Thank you for your honesty and for sharing here. Joel and I are praying for you! May God draw you close to Him and may He give you His heart. I’m so grateful for God’s love and faithfulness to minister to you in this way. Know you are loved and cherished by Him and we are grateful for you and your thoughtfulness and humility.
      God Bless,
      Michelle & Joel

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