Understanding Your Calling as an Artist of Faith

9 comments on “Understanding Your Calling as an Artist of Faith”

  1. Pamela Reply

    *Great* reminder, especially with the example of David. Following your calling does not mean you will have constant peace nor that you will go without trials. David’s life in following God’s calling was difficult and harrowing. Thank you for this!

  2. Serena Reply

    Thank you, Pastor Pelsue.
    You make great points! It’ actually comforting me to know that fulfilling your calling doesn’t mean it’s going to be an easy road because it hasn’t at all been easy when I’ve gone the direction I feel the Lord directing me in my calling.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      That is wonderful to hear. It can be liberating to realize our struggles are part of the journey instead of an indictment upon our decisions. You are in good company. Many great women and men of faith have struggled in the process of doing what God has called them to do. Thank you for commenting!

  3. Daniel Reply

    That was very good. I tend to be the type of person who tends to see struggle as a sign that I’m going the wrong way. This was a good reminder that even Godly people struggle. Even Jesus himself was met with resistance.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      So glad it was encouraging to you. I grew up in a church with the tendency to judge suffering as a spiritual problem. It was so damaging. I was relieved in seminary when I realized many great men and women of God have struggled and been discouraged. Philippians 3:10 is also amazing: Paul talks about his desire to share in the sufferings of Christ. There is something beautiful about the way Christ meets us in the times where we are discouraged.

  4. Carri Girodat Reply

    I love how God keeps me in Awe, and never am I surprised. The path He has me on for His Glory and Honor is more than I can verbally Express, yet, in the paintings He has inspired in me, is The Book, He is leading me to write, both for others to be assured He is with them; and to know I am Right where HE desires me to be.
    I had been asking Him to lead me in the direction of writing The Book, and I came across your post just about the time I was ready to turn fb off. Glory to God.

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