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Pivot Now In Your Creative Career

Pivot Now In Your Creative Career

We are living in CRAZY, UNPREDICTABLE times. Creatives are being hit especially hard. Concert halls are silent, theatres and galleries are empty, productions studios have come to a halt. The concern is too many artists are getting discouraged, depressed and weighed down by this Covid-19 world. But there is a way forward. There is hope. And there are tools to help you pivot in your career and find success.

The Reality

According to The Brookings Institute study:

“The COVID-19 crisis hits hard at arts, culture, and the creative economy. Based on our creative-industry analysis, we estimate losses of 2.7 million jobs and more than $150 billion in sales of goods and services for creative industries nationwide… The fine and performing arts industries will be hit hardest, suffering estimated losses of almost 1.4 million jobs and $42.5 billion in sales. Of the 50 states, California will be hit hardest in terms of absolute losses for creative industries and occupations, followed by New York and Texas.”

Global Impact

Arts communities around the globe are faring poorly. According to the The Art Newspaper in the UK:
“A report by the Creative Industries Federation argues that the corona-virus crisis will mean that the sector(arts & entertainment) is set to lose £74bn in revenue; …The federation describes the situation “a cultural catastrophe”.
“Their research suggests that the creative industries will suffer twice as badly as those of the wider economy.”

Mourning Our Losses

When reading the above statistics, it is easy to forget the truth of the gospel— That God is STILL in control.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55: 8 & 9, ESV).

God is at work. Whether we understand it or not. He’s got this covered. But we need to wrestle with the reality we are facing. This week we just wrote a very powerful letter of encouragement to the artists and creative professionals who are on our email list(if you’re not on our list, sign up!) and in it we encouraged folks to mourn. To mourn the loss of their dreams, hopes and aspirations in 2020.

Because if we don’t mourn our losses, acknowledge the pain and give it to the Lord, it’s hard to move forward. It can be hard to even be creative.

You are Not Alone

Remember you are not alone, the pandemic is not your fault and you are not the only one going through this. As a creative community, we are all going through it. The good news is God is with you!

Isaiah 41:10:

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

It’s true, the God of the universe cares about you. He cares about the creative community. God cares about art and artists!(If you don’t believe that watch THIS) You are powerfully important to God and he wants to work through you and draw you closer to Him in the process.

God is in Control

Overwhelming right? Many artists and creative professionals look at this information and their heart sinks. But again, we need to acknowledge God is in control of this hot mess and none of this has surprised Him. For me, I am clinging closer and harder to the Lord than I have in a long time. How about you?

In times like these we need to meditate on the truth of the gospel, here’s a verse to help you during this time:

Psalm 145:17-21:

17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways
and faithful in all he does.
18 The LORD is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them.
20 The LORD watches over all who love him,
but all the wicked he will destroy.
21 My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD.
Let every creature praise his holy name
for ever and ever.

A Way Forward

This pandemic has taught all of us a HUGE lesson. We can’t count on OTHERS (galleries, museums, networks, labels, etc.) to be our ONLY source of income.

There are many artists and creatives fairing quite well during this pandemic. What? Impossible you say. Not impossible at all. They are still creating and still getting PAID. How?


They pivoted. Some harnessed the power of an online presence years ago, others have pivoted during the pandemic. There are countless creatives using their online platform to sell their art, teach courses, do freelance work, make money off of social media, sell their work in online galleries and their own website, and more—all from the comfort of their quarantined living room.

Long gone are the times when artists could rely on agents, managers or publishers. “Management” has wanted their clients to step up their social media game for years. They want YOU to bring an audience. We are in the age of the “artrepreneur”. And that is not a bad thing. The internet has freed up many artists and creatives from the myth of “one way” to “make it” in their genre of art or entertainment.

art and entrepreneurship summit

Freedom to Reach Your Audience

Now hear me, I am not saying all the gatekeepers are gone. What I am saying is there is no barrier to entry when it comes to finding and building an online audience and fan base. And THAT my friends will benefit you in your career.

From writers to filmmakers to musicians to visual and performing artists, creatives are harnessing the power of the internet and the “open door” to building their fan base.

I was just on a SAG/AFTRA webinar where actors were sharing how they were getting paid for their posts on Instagram during the pandemic. I know filmmakers pivoting to do editing for commercial ads. I know musicians who gigged in major venues providing music lessons online now.

New Normal

The ideas are endless to make money and build your audience. But you must be up for the “new” normal of building your online presence as an artist or media professional. Multiple streams of income and maximizing the internet to get seen— this needs to be the approach now more than ever for artists and creative professionals.

It’s a big shift for some, for others not so much. The amount of work can feel overwhelming so you need a system and a strategic way to build your fanbase and set yourself up for success.

Catalyst Program

Because of this need for guidance and support, our Catalyst Online Program will be opening for enrollment. It’s a 12-week online training that gives artists and creative professionals (of all genres) strategies that work to help them flourish in their creative careers online and in person.

We have modules on how to utilize and identify resources, how you add value, branding, self-promotion, optimizing your website, how to build an audience, how to network online and in person, how to set healthy professional boundaries and how to optimize social media.

You don’t have to be alone.

You don’t have to do it by yourself.

Join our Catalyst community.

Right now, reach out, register and get a taste of the Catalyst Online course by registering for our Free Art & Entrepreneurship Summit. You’ll get strategies that work right away and you’ll be able to enroll in the online course.
Check out the FREE Arts & Entrepreneurship Summit HERE

Copyright © 2020 Joel & Michelle Pelsue. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

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