Category Archives: Blog

Creative Sweet Spot

Creative Sweet Spot

Creative Sweet Spot Finding your creative sweet spot requires more than a great café to write in, a studio with great lighting, or finding a great writer’s group. Finding your creative sweet spot has more to do with the way your brain handles ideas, and giving your brain the time it needs to process. How […]

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overcoming procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination Overcoming procrastination as an artist or media professional is key to becoming successful. Procrastination is everywhere. Some of us procrastinate about finishing that film or work of art, while others procrastinate about going for their annual checkup with the doctor. According to Wikipedia, procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs […]

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improvisation for art and life

Improvisation for Art & Life

Improvisation For Art and Life Improvisation for art and life is a requirement. Resist, and you will be pummeled. Adapt, and you will find opportunity. You may even find joy in the journey. It is true for your art, your life and your vocation. Great art, great careers and spectacular lives are made from thousands […]

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care for your creative soul

Care For Your Creative Soul

Care for Your Creative Soul A thriving spiritual life requires care for your creative soul. If you don’t care for your soul, no one else will. Wait, did you get that? No one else will… According to The Journal of the American Medical Association, for people who lived in the twentieth century, each generation was […]

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excellence is not enough

Excellence is Not Enough

Excellence Is Not Enough Excellence is not enough for Christians in the mainstream art world and entertainment industry to glorify God in their art, film, music or video game. It is a starting point. Not a destination. Too many Christians entering the mainstream art world or entertainment industry don’t want to really think through their […]

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raw spirituality

Raw Spirituality

Raw Spirituality Raw Spirituality and Timeless Art Humanity can only distract itself for so long with novelties, commercial gimmicks and shallow sentiment, we long to connect with raw spirituality. We were made to ponder the depths of our soul, the angst of our neighbors and to yearn for a deeper, more honest community. There are […]

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Art Beyond Propaganda

Art Beyond Propaganda

Art Beyond Propaganda Artists long to create something meaningful and to connect with their audience, and this inspires them to create art beyond propaganda. As W.H. Auden described it, “Propaganda is monologue that is not looking for an answer, but an echo.” We as Christians are called to be in conversation, not a monologue. How […]

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