Caring for the Artist’s Soul

Caring for the Artist’s Soul

Caring for the artist’s soul requires attention because your creativity and imagination thrive when your soul is thriving. So, how is your soul? Honestly? I’m not asking about how many awards you have, how much financial success you achieved, or about your accomplishments. I’m asking about your soul – Are you drinking deeply from the water of life that Jesus offered the woman at the well? Or are you distracted, closed-up, cynical, bitter,…you get the idea.

The reality is this — failing to care for your soul could be costing you joy in the present, and hope for the future. This in turn stunts your imagination and hampers your creativity, limiting the full impact God intended for you to experience. So don’t keep ignoring the pain, the frustration or the dry desert you have left your soul in…start caring for your artist’s soul.


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Copyright © 2020 Joel & Michelle Pelsue. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

7 comments on “Caring for the Artist’s Soul”

  1. Leonardo Ramirez Reply

    So timely in the recent tough days. Thank you for this encouragement, Joel. I think it boils down to what you’re directing us to do which is to nurture our time with the Lord and spend time in the “secret place”. As creatives, our minds are always racing – especially so when we’re not in the place in our career that we think we should be. We’re always looking for the next story, the next “thing” that we think will catapult us. But that’s how the world thinks. It’s not how I’m supposed to think. I feel irresponsible if I’m not producing but again, that’s not kingdom thinking. It’s when I spend time with Him in the study of His word, worshiping and waiting on Him that ideas come and flow and my soul is healed. That’s the only time that my soul feels refreshed. I have to fight the urge to produce when He’s telling me to listen.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      So perfectly stated, brother! I do wish you lived closer and we could grab coffee and fellowship. Indeed, we are tempted to rely on our own effort, and though hard work is important… the results are essentially in God’s hands. How easily we return to thinking it depends completely upon us. God Bless you brother!

  2. Rholan Wong Reply

    Thanks for this, Joel. Not to get too mystical on you, but I felt a peace come over me as I watched and heard you. I think God is blessing your words to others. You are doing what you are called to do, and bless you to share more.

    Regarding your request, I’m finding that silence and solitude are so important to my soul. I have a restless personality and am easily drawn away in several directions at once. Being quiet and alone with God helps me slow down and focus on one thing at a time. These times of retreat with God have become so life-giving to me that I indeed crave them kind of like the deer pants for water.

    Thanks again.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      Rholan, thank you so much for sharing. The psalmist picture of a deer panting for water is such a beautiful picture of our soul’s longing for God. May your soul experience rest and refreshment in His presence!

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      The best advice I can give is to pour your heart out to him. Share your fears, frustrations, and pain in prayer. Don’t try to be just ‘positive’. Take all of it to God in prayer. He can handle it. I also would recommend the book ‘Gentle and Lowly’ by Dane Ortland. It is also especially helpful to be with family or a church community/small group during this season.

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