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California Fire Resources

At AEM we continue to pray for relief from the many ongoing fires.

We also have many who are not directly impacted by the fires and are asking us: what can we do?

Many of us have an instinct to immediately go out and help which a good and noble response but we need to recognize there are unfortunately limited capacities to tangibly do anything large scale in this moment. The time to mobilize and rebuild will come soon, but flooding resource or evacuation centers with excessive volunteers may actually detract from the capacity of work being done.

With that being said… we at AEM have consulted our local church RealityLA and after conferring with one of the elders- they have sent us their information for our folks who want to help right away.

Here is a list of their suggestions and links to websites to donate to:

1. Open Your Home/Find Temporary Housing


This is the time for the church to open our doors in hospitality to our neighbors. Not all are in a place or situation to do so, but those who can bring others into their homes for short-term relief can fill out this form letting us know of your location and capacity. You will be contacted by one of our elders if someone reaches out looking for temporary housing.


If your home is no longer accessible, you have been displaced or evacuated, or your home is no longer standing, please reach out by filling out this short form and we will seek to connect you with a member of our church who can provide short-term temporary housing for you.

There are also evacuation centers around the city and Airbnb is offering temporary housing to those impacted by the fires.

2. Ways to Support Financially

RealityLA hase created a Fire Relief Fund where people can give financially to support immediate and long-term needs. 100% of the money given here will be 1) directly donated to those in our community we know who have been affect by the fires and 2) evenly distributed to organizations meeting immediate needs in the city. The organizations we are currently contributing to are:

Convoy of Hope (relief supplies)

LAFD Emergency Funding (first responder support)

Salvation Army (relief support)

World Central Kitchen (food/meals)

You can also give directly to these partners using the links above.

3. Meet Tangible Needs

This will be an ever-evolving list as we become more aware of needs and opportunities. Please email missions@realityla.com if you have practical and helpful opportunities to add to the list.


Many people in our church have lost everything and need immediate items today – especially items for babies and small children. If inclined you can use this spreadsheet to give these items directly to others in the church in lieu of donating items to a reputable local resource center. Those in need can also request these items directly from the spreadsheet.

Click here to list clothing, non-perishable food, or baby/toddler items you are able to give

Click here to request any of these items


Aveson Charter School: Drop off items for families whose school and homes were destroyed in the Eaton Fire. Clothes, socks, school supplies, books, games, pans and pots, grocery gift cards, cutlery, plates, cups, lotion, shampoo and conditioner, and feminine hygiene products can be dropped off at 3017 Oakhurst Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90034. Contact (916) 532-8031 for more information.

Dream Center: Donate specific food items, diapers, hygiene products, and non-perishables. Learn more here.

Serve LA: Donate water bottles and N95 masks for the community. Drop off Monday-Friday between 10AM-5PM at 4093 Fountain Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027

YMCA: Local YMCA centers are collecting supplies and providing resources to the local community. Learn more here.


It’s Bigger Than Us: Drive supplies to needed locations, coordinate service, and sort donations and supplies. Learn more here and sign up to volunteer here.

The Red Cross: volunteers are needed to provide a myriad of services. Learn more here.

A large list of resources, donations, and volunteer opportunities has been compiled by Mutual Aid LA. You can find it here. We have no oversight over what is added to this list and cannot vouch for the organizations, but it does provide a significantly more comprehensive view of ways to meet needs in the city.

Remember this resource list was created by RealityLA Church, If you are in need in need in ways not listed above, please email: missions@realityla.com

Or contact AEM: admin@a-e-m.org

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