Artists Stop Playing It Safe: a Christian Perspective

Artists Stop Playing It Safe: A Christian Perspective

“Art is dangerous. It is one of the attractions;
when it ceases to be dangerous, you don’t want it.”
— Duke Ellington.

Let’s get into it: Do you have a dangerous faith and courageous imagination? “Playing it safe” and “creativity” don’t go together. Playing it safe, is toxic also to your spiritual life. But what does that look like…? Watch the video below and find out.

Let us know your thoughts below!

Copyright © 2024 Joel & Michelle Pelsue. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

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8 comments on “Artists Stop Playing It Safe: a Christian Perspective”

  1. Susan Reply

    Dear Joel,
    Thank you so much for your encouragement over the years.

    I’m doing it – making music for money & volunteerism. God is honoring my desire to create and my husband is going for counseling.
    I came very close to divorcing after 33 years of marriage. It’s going to be a long road to anything intimate, but a friendship is happening. Our daughter is pregnant with our third grandchild. Now I’ll ask for prayer for her lost husband. So lost without God and unfortunately, my daughter has succumbed to the left wing propaganda. The good news other than The Good News, is I’m living life to the fullest. I don’t think He wants substandard for us, although no one escapes this life without scars. Thank you Brother and your wife for praying for me in the past. I haven’t been a big financial contributor, but never say never. I see how God blesses and I wouldn’t be surprised at anything He does by this point.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply


      Thank you for your kind words, and graciousness.
      I am praying for you right now as I write this.
      God is bigger than any of our challenges, and I have grown to see more and more how He works in the midst of them.

      May God bless your family and your creative work.
      Stay close to your Savior, who loves you more than you know!


  2. Chris Skaggs Reply

    Thanks for this timely reminder Joel. The world is in a season of great tectonic shaking and changing and in that situation ‘safe’ is the last thing the kingdom needs. 🙂

  3. James E. Clark Reply


    Thanks for this video. I needed it. I need to stay focused on the straight rail.

    Jim Clark

  4. Leonardo Ramirez Reply

    Rock solid message, Joel. Interesting that I’ve been hearing a lot in the last few days about playing it safe and having courage. We have to go on fully believing in the path that He has laid out before us and trusting in His favor and leading to get us through. Relying on the accolades of man is not the way either. You’re right, not everyone is going to love our work. I recently made it to the semi-finals in a local prominent competition. But because there was a mention of God, my work did not progress. There was no ambiguity about it either. This is what I was told by the contest manager in no uncertain terms. It wasn’t preachy in the slightest but the aroma was there.

    So we keep going because this is the passion that He has put on our hearts.

    • Joel Pelsue Reply

      Sorry to hear that! Sadly, it does fit the trend in Hollywood and in publishing. They often use the word “tolerance” but it means we must adopt their worldview and drop ours. It never means tolerating the views of Christians.
      but…keep taking risks, my friend!!!

      Good to hear from you,


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