Category Archives: Blog

Is Shame Killing Your Creativity?

“Evil’s intention for shame is not simply to make our interpersonal lives miserable; It wants to cripple our creativity as artists . . . as much as it wants us to merely feel bad about ourselves.” – The Soul of Shame, Curt Thompson, MD. Your spiritual and creative lives are interwoven. The emotions of your […]

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8th Commandment for Artists

Enjoy this vlog of the 8th Commandment for Artists and Creative Professionals in our Ten Commandments for Artists series. God values the art you create, and so should you, your audience and your patrons. The challenge for artists is how we find our inspiration from other artists. We need to see great works of art […]

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7th Commandment for Artists

Enjoy this vlog of the 7th Commandment for Artists and Creative professionals in our Ten Commandments for Artists series. The Bible doesn’t avoid sex. The bible addresses sex, marriage, infidelity, rape, and even incest. And if God is not afraid to deal with this subject, we have no reason to be afraid to deal with […]

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6th Commandment for Artists

Enjoy this vlog of the 6th Commandment for Artists and Creative professionals in our Ten Commandments for Artists series. From Cain and Abel, to the vigilantes of modern entertainment, great stories and great artwork have wrestled with matters of life, death, and the horror of murder. If we long to honor God with our art, […]

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5th Commandment for Artists

Enjoy this vlog of the 5th Commandment for Artists and Creative professionals in our Ten Commandments for Artists series. This 5th commandment speaks to the very core of our relationships, and lays the foundation for a healthy society. The challenge for artists and creatives today is this: When do we stop just portraying the dysfunction […]

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4th Commandment for Artists

As we continue in our series on the 10 Commandments for Artists we discover some meaningful implications for art in the 4th commandment. Your desire for rest is good, and God given. But being ‘centered’ or being ‘mindful’ are not going deep enough. God designed you with a need not only to let go of […]

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10 Commandments for Artists 3rd Commandment

3rd Commandment for Artists

As we continue on in our series on the 10 Commandments for Artists we discover some amazing implications for art in the third commandment. What does it mean for artists and creatives to honor and revere the name of the Lord? One surprising implication: Don’t make kitsch about God. Listen to this video to get […]

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2nd Commandment for Artists

The second commandment is often misunderstood by protestants ever since The Reformation in the 1500s. Some see it as a commandment forbidding art in a sacred context. But this understanding simply doesn’t make sense in light of the rest of the book of Exodus. Watch this video to get a better understanding of this commandment […]

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1st Commandment for Artists

The first commandment is all about worship, but worship is more than what we do on Sunday mornings. Worship is about how we live all of life, including everything from creating art to teaching our children. Watch this video to get a better understanding of this commandment and how it speaks to the “why” in […]

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